how to make homemade protein shake without protein powder

  homemade protein shake without protein powder

 Everybody experiences those days when they simply don't have the time to eat enough. Since you cannot grow muscle without food, days, when you are low on food, can seriously slow down your bulking progress. Without fuel, fires cannot burn. Many weight gainer shakes have been developed to help pack in those extra calories to get over this typical issue. The majority of these drinks are generally acceptable based on the nutrition data, but they are also highly pricey, and we can make healthier shakes at home with whole ingredients and a blender.

homemade protein shake without protein powder
homemade protein shake image credit pexels

homemade protein shake recipes

The items and amounts shown below should be added to your blender. All components should be measured, combined, and pureed in a blender.


Milk, two cups

one banana

2/fourths cup peanut butter (or try flax seed oil)

1/4-1/2 cup uncooked oats


a cup of milk

one banana

Peanut butter, two tablespoons

Yogurt, one cup

8 to 10 peanuts.

four berries


one or two cup of milk 

overnight soaking of 5-8 almonds and 4-5 frozen strawberries

50 ml of egg whites

12 cup uncooked oats


a cup of milk

8 to 10 peanuts.

1/8 cup raw oats and 1/8 cup raisins' bran

1 little banana

Optional: 1/2 cup of fat-free cottage cheese and 3 ice cubes.


a cup of milk

peanut butter, 1 tbsp

1 coffee tablespoon

8 cubes of ice

protein shake without powder
protein shake without powder image credit pexels

If you're looking to gain muscle, this protein shake is perfect for you. Simply combine it until it has a smooth texture, then drink. If you want a change, you may also substitute maple syrup for honey.

So head to the kitchen and experiment with some homemade shakes. Your body will receive all the vitamins and nutrients it requires from the additional fruit to rebuild your muscles as rapidly as possible. Additionally, because you are packing in so much, homemade shakes can even be used as a meal replacement, making them ideal for anyone trying to lose a little weight.

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