Functions of the Thyroid
The thyroid is a small ductless gland weighing less than one ounce, located in the neck along the trachea or windpipe. The thyroid is the only place where iodine can be absorbed into the body.
Iodine comes from the different foods we eat and is necessary for small quantities to make thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones are then circulated throughout the body where they control metabolism in every cell. Metabolism is the body's conversion of oxygen from the air we breathe and calories from the food we eat to energy.
What is Hypothyroidism?
"Hypo" means too little or under normal, and "thyroidism" is the disease of the thyroid. Therefore, "hypothyroidism" is the disease of too little thyroid activity or decreased thyroid activity.
Hypothyroidism is the result of too little thyroid hormone. This can happen when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones, an under-active thyroid, OR the thyroid produces enough hormones, but the hormones break down too quickly and cannot be used by the body.
Causes of Hypothyroidism
- The thyroid produces too little hormone.
- Hashimoto's disease - the body creates an allergy to thyroid hormones, destroying them, and causing low hormone levels
- Undiagnosed thyroid problems - normal laboratory levels of thyroid hormones T3 & T4, but have reoccurring or nonresponsive health problems; often, patients do better when supplemented with thyroid nutrients or hormones.
- Viral infection may onset inflammation of the thyroid gland, causing hypothyroidism.
Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism
The signs and symptoms may differ from person to person, depending upon the severity of the production of the hormone. When the level of thyroid hormones goes down in the blood, many of the body’s function changes, which manifest in the following symptoms:
- Extreme fatigue
- Depression
- Inability to concentrate
- Decreased libido
- Sensitive to cold
- Swelling around the neck (Goiter)
- Tenderness
- Constipation
- Slower heart rate
- Dryness
- Heavy or Irregular menstruation cycle
- High Cholesterol level
- Obesity
- Hair fall
Hypothyroidism in teenagers
In most cases, teenagers show identical symptoms as grownups do. But some of them may experience the following symptoms;
• Modest growth
• Late tooth emergence
• Indigent intellectual development
• Delayed adolescence
Homeopathic Treatment for underactive thyroid gland Is Hypothyroidism curable with homeopathy?
Homeopathic medicine corrects the organs or glandular function; it cannot increase or decrease the level of hormones unless the root cause is treated. There is no synthetic T4 supplement in homeopathy.
Homeopathic treatment improves thyroid glandular function and reduces the dependency on external supplementation of hormones. Once the gland works properly you no longer need to use any medication. However, for precaution, it is necessary to get your thyroid hormone checked once or twice per six months.
In conventional treatment, thyroxin is prescribed to the patient which maintains the level of hormone in the blood. In many cases, a patient needs it throughout life.
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Common question about homeopathic
Can I take thyroxin and homeopathic medicine together? Or Can I take homeopathy and allopathy be taken together?
Yes, both medicines can be taken together. In homeopathic treatment, it may take some time to activate the thyroid gland to function properly. Hypothyroidism is a serious chronic illness. The level of hormones is monitored during treatment. During pregnancy, it is essential to maintain the normal thyroid hormone level in the blood and closely monitored it. In this condition, it is better to take the right dose of thyroxin.
What level of TSH indicates hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism is the result of diminished levels of thyroid hormones—known as triiodothyronine T3 and thyroxine T4, and an increased value of TSH than the normal level.
0.4 is the normal range of TSH, 4.0 is considered mild hypothyroidism, while 10 is hypothyroidism.
What is Thyroidinum?
Thyroidinum is a homeopathic medicine used for the treatment of hypothyroidism. In homeopathy, there are many medications for hypothyroidism After complete case taking and considering all your symptoms right medicines are selected.
What if someone left hypothyroidism untreated?
Can hypothyroidism also be responsible for infertility?
Yes, a low level of thyroxin may affect the ovulation process and impair fertility.
Why Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is named Hashimoto?
A Japanese surgeon discovered this major cause of Hypothyroidism in 1912. So, It was named after this surgeon.
My thyroxin level is very low. Can I lose weight in this condition?
Hypothyroidism affects the metabolism rate. It lowers metabolic rate, so it’s difficult to lose weight. But if you are consistent to work out and count your calories before eating, it will help a lot. But all this is possible under the supervision of a health expert.
How do I know that either my thyroid produces enough hormone or not?
It's simple. Go to a doctor, he will suggest you a simple blood test that tells you your Thyroxin level.
Is homeopathy good for the treatment of hypothyroidism?
Homeopathic remedies are the best for hypothyroidism because it makes the gland function properly and permanently. Once the problem is solved, there is no need to take medicines.
homeopathic medicines for hypothyroidism
Sepia Officinalis
This multi-functional homeo remedy plays a substantial role to treat hypothyroidism. It is recommended for those patients who are sensitive to cold. Even in warm surroundings, they get affected because of the weakness due to the low production of thyroxin. Abnormal production of hormones makes them irritable, anxious, and depressed.
Sepia is very helpful for women who frequently face mood swings due to low hormone production. Patients complain about excessive hair fall which is due to hypothyroidism, this medicine is very effective to overcome this issue. The beauty of Sepia Officinalis is that it covers a wide range of health issues. In a nutshell, hypothyroidism is responsible for so many malfunctioning within the body and Sepia is a savior.
It is a mineral-based homeo remedy that is very effective for the treatment of hypothyroidism. The deficiency of iodine may lead a person to hypothyroidism. As we know homeopathic medicines do not have mineral dose it is given in very small potencies. Patient with hypothyroidism is prone to gain weight because deficiency of iodine affects the metabolism rate by slowing it down, which may lead to obesity. The use of this medicine fulfills the iodine requirement and makes the body healthier.
Calcarea Carbonica 30C - for low thyroid function accompanied by chills and fatigue / excessive evening sweating but dry during the day.
Pulsatilla 30C - for dehydration and the feeling of being overheated.
Lycopodium 30C - for excessive gas, bloating, and enlargement on the right side of the thyroid.
Note: These above homeopathic medicines are NOT the author's recommendations, they are typical homeopathic remedies that may be used for hypothyroidism. Recommendations may vary depending upon the individual's needs, condition, and circumstances, and should only be taken if recommended by a qualified Homeopath.
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